Welcome to the Carnot-Trringo API! You can use our API to access Carnot-Trringo API endpoints, which is used to transmit accept data from Trringo.
You can view code examples to access the API in the dark area to the right.
To authorize, use this code:
# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl "api_endpoint_here"
-H "Apikey: <api_key>"
-H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>"
Make sure to replace
with your API key and<auth_token>
with your Auth Token
Carnot uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can get a new API key by writing to us at
The API key must be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:
Apikey: <api_key>
Apart from the API key all the endpoints that require user authentication require a Token. The token must be supplied in a header that looks as follows:
Authorization: Token <auth_token>
Start of Order
Send Start Time.
curl -X PUT "http://<BASE_URL>/order_started/"
-d order_id=1
-d start_time=1521115763
-d instrumented_device_id=152763ABdjdkga32342
-d location_x=18.8269788
-d location_y=73.2045857
-d location_accuracy=0.5
-d implement_type=thresher
-H "Apikey: <api_key>"
-H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
This endpoint starts a particular order.
HTTP Request (PUT start_time)
PUT http://<BASE_URL>/order-started/
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
order_id | Tractor chassis number. |
instrumented_device_id | Tractor chassis number |
start_time | Order start time. |
location_x | Order localtion Latitude |
location_y | Order localtion Longitude |
location_accuracy | Order location accuracy in KMs |
implement_type | Implement type identifier |
End of Order
Send Start Time.
curl -X PUT "http://<BASE_URL>/order-stopped/"
-d order_id=1
-d order_stop_time=1521115763
-H "Apikey: <api_key>"
-H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
This endpoint ends a particular order.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
order_id | Tractor chassis number. |
order_stop_time | Order end time. |
HTTP Request (PUT end_time)
PUT http://<BASE_URL>/oder-stopped/
The data will be posted to the Trringo API in the following JSON format:
json { "instrumented_device_id": "152763ABdjdkga32342", "iot_device_id": 23, }
HTTP Request (POST alertData)
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
instrumented_device_id | Tractor chassis number |
iot_device_id | IOT device number |
The data will be posted to the Trringo API in the following JSON format:
"instrumented_device_id": "152763ABdjdkga32342",
"category": "Unauthorised Work - 1",
"data": {
"start_time": 1521115763,
"end_time": 1521115763,
"location_x": 18.8269788,
"location_y": 73.2045857
"instrumented_device_id": "152763ABdjdkga32342",
"category": "Unauthorised Work",
"alert_type": 1,
"data": {
"start_time": 1521115763,
"end_time": 1521115763,
"location_x": 18.8269788,
"location_y": 73.2045857
This endpoint sends data to Trringo for Alerts to be registered.
HTTP Request (POST alertData)
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
category | Alert categories(Idling/Unauthorised_Work/Geofence) - (Alert Type) A subtype of the above category. (Will be defined when needed. Currenltly 1 will be sent) |
data | Data related to the alert. (Will vary but the fields below will be there for all of type. But there will be additional data for all of them.) |
instrumented_device_id | Tractor chassis number |
end_time | Alert activity end time. |
start_time | Alert activity start time. |
location_x | Alert localtion Latitude. |
location_y | Alert localtion Longitude. |
The data will be posted to the Trringo API in the following JSON format. This is the End of Journey Report:
"order_id": 123456,
"authorized": 1,
"authorized": "ORDER_COMPLETE",
"instrumented_device_id": "152763ABdjdkga32342",
"iot_device_id": 9,
"report_data": {
"eoa": 1.22,
"start_time": 1521115763,
"end_time": 1521115763,
"duration": 1521,
"location_x": 18.8269788,
"location_y": 73.2045857,
"map_x": [18.8269788, 18.8269789, 18.8269790],
"map_y": [73.2045857, 73.2045858, 73.2045859]
HTTP Request (POST reports)
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
instrumented_device_id | Tractor chassis number |
order_id | Order ID for the report |
report_data | JSON object javing key value pairs for report |
end_time | Alert activity end time. |
start_time | Alert activity start time. |
location_x | Farm Location X. |
location_y | Farm Location Y. |
iot_device_id | IOT Device ID sent during registeration. |
map_x | Location x co ordinates list |
map_y | Location y co ordinates list |
The data will be posted to the Trringo API in the following JSON format. This is the End of Odyssey Report:
"odyssey_id": 123456,
"instrumented_device_id": "152763ABdjdkga32342",
"iot_device_id": 9,
"report_data": {
"distance": 23.4,
"time": 5798,
"authorised orders": 2,
"unauthorised orders": 4,
"area_ploughed": 2.1,
"start_time": 1521115763,
"end_time": 1521115763
HTTP Request (POST reports)
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
instrumented_device_id | Tractor chassis number |
odyssey_id | Odyssey ID for the report |
report_data | JSON object javing key value pairs for report |
end_time | Odyssey end time. |
start_time | Odyssey start time. |
area_ploughed | Total area (acres) ploughed in the odyssey |
authorised_orders | Total count of authorised orders in the Odyssey |
unauthorised_orders | Total count of unauthorised orders in the Odyssey |
time | Total time (seconds) for the Odysser |
distance | Distance travelled (Kms) by tractor in between farms and and between Hub and farm |
The Carnot API uses the following error codes:
Error Code | Meaning |
400 | Bad Request – Your request sucks |
401 | Unauthorized – Your API key is wrong |
403 | Forbidden – The resource requested is hidden for administrators only |
404 | Not Found – The specified resource could not be found |
405 | Method Not Allowed – You tried to access a resource with an invalid method |
406 | Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn’t supported. Supported format is JSON |
410 | Gone – The resource requested has been removed from our servers |
418 | Boring Request – Your request is good. But the server is too bored to answer. |
429 | Too Many Requests – You are requesting for too many resources. Slow down! |
500 | Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable – We’re temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later. |